Haryana JBT Lower Merit Joining News 2016-17 PRT/JBT Waiting/Low /FSL Pending Appointment Joining Letter Selection List on harprathmic.gov.in

Haryana JBT Joining News 2017 - Haryana PRT/JBT Waiting/Low /FSL Pending Appointment Joining Letter - Haryana JBT Joining Latest News - Haryana 9870 JBT Final Selection List 2016-17 - Download Haryana 9455 JBT/ PRT Newly Selected  Latest New - Haryana JBT Thumb Impression Verification Result 2015 - Check Haryana Primary Teacher M. A. Interview Marks latest updates on harprathmic.gov.in.
Check  - Haryana JBT Waiting List Joining Latest News
Haryana JBT HTET-2013 Joining Latest News

Haryana JBT Waiting Joining 2022 Latest Updates

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लेटेस्ट न्यूज़ 2017 में नियुक्त 1259 जेबीटी शिक्षकों की बर्खास्तगी के आदेश दिए गए हाई कोर्ट का आदेश आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि के बाद भी किया था आवेदन इससे जुड़ी खबर नीचे दिए गए इमेज में पड़े

 नमस्कार दोस्तों हरियाणा में जेबीटी कैंडिडेट्स जिनकी भर्ती 2012 में कांग्रेस की सरकार में हुई थी और जिनकी ज्वाइनिंग 2017 तक नहीं हो पाई थी अब 2022 में 10 साल बाद जेबीटी के 896 पद भरे जाएंगे इसके साथ ही नई खबर यह भी है कि 2356 पदों जी शिक्षकों की नई भर्ती निकलेगी और यह भर्ती मेवात कैडर के शिक्षकों के लिए होगी सरकार ने इसकी मंजूरी दे दी है और कुछ दिनों में ही आवेदन की प्रक्रिया शुरू हो जाएगी
 इससे पहले मैं आपको बता दूँ सरकार ने जेबीटी भर्ती के लिए इनकार कर दिया था लेकिन अब मेवात कैडर के लिए 2356 पदों की भर्ती के लिए स्वीकृति दे दी है लगभग 10 वर्ष तक जेबीटी की कोई भी भर्ती हरियाणा में नहीं निकली है प्रदेश में लगभग 1.25,00,000 अभ्यर्थी जेबीटी का एक सेट पास कर चूके हैं लेकिन अभी तक बेरोजगार हैं कोई वैकेंसी सरकार के द्वारा 2012 के बाद जेबीटी टीचर के लिए वैकेंसी नहीं निकाली गई है 2012 में जेबीटी की भर्ती का विज्ञापन कांग्रेस सरकार के द्वारा निकाला था जिसकी ज्वाइनिंग 2017 में भाजपा जनता पार्टी के द्वारा की गई
Latest News on Haryana JBT Lower/ Waiting Merit List 2018

Latest News (22.11.20180 - Haryana JBT Physical Verification Schedule under Advt. No. 2/2012 Cat No. 1 & 2 has been released Now. 

Download List of Candidates called for Physical Verification
Official Notice

Latest News (12.05.2018)- 
Haryana jbt joining waiting news

Latest News (10.05.2018)- Haryana JBT waiting Joining news- 
Haryana JBT Waiting Joining 2018

Latest news on 27th April 2018 - haryana JBT waiting joining latest update -
According to the sources, it is said that Haryana government looking in favor to provide / offer jobs across the state for waiting 2011 & 2013 candidates.

Haryana JBT joining for Waiting candidates may be done in the month of June 2018 (after the holidays of students). The candidates will have to take a little more patience for their joining in Government School of Haryana. The joining or appointment may be offer on the vacant seats / left over seat of Absentees in Haryana JBT Selection List 2018 released by the board.
The selection list will be scrutinize in order to find the absentee and the joining may be done on the basis of merit list number as provided by the Haryana Prathemic/ School Education Board List.

  • Predictable date for Haryana JBT Joining for Waiting 2011 & 2013 Candidates - June/ July 2018

Recently, regular meeting with chief minister and other related official have been taken by the waiting candidates in order to request their joining on the vacant seat/ left over seat on absentees of signature and Thumb verification final selected candidates. These candidates you have to take more patience for their joining as the process is continue.

Let's watch what would be happen in the end. when would the waiting candidates get their joining or they may be sort out from the recruitment process. It's all in the hand of government. We can hope positive as the government has pace the process of promoting teachers.  

Haryana JBT Lower Merit List Latest News

Latest News (24.01.2018) - 

Latest News - 23.12.2017
Haryana JBT Latest News

Latest News - 05.12.2017 - 
Haryana JBT Lower Merit List Latest News

Latest News (01.11.2017) - Last Chance for Document Verification Absentee Candidates -
The good news is that for those candidates who have not attended the document verification schedule for recruitment of Haryana JBT Teachers. 
About 293 candidates were found absentee for document verification held at various times for final selection of 9870 PRT Teachers Bharti. 
These candidates are called for verification of original documents on 01st, 04th & 05th November 2017. 
Haryana JBT News - Last chance for verification

Latest News - 
Haryana Teacher vacancy news

Latest news (11.10.2017) - Haryana JBT Lower Merit Latest Updates - 
Haryana JBT Lower Merit Latest Updates

Haryana JBT FSL Pending Joining/Appointment News 2017

Latest news (17.08.2017) - Haryana JBT Joining News/ Appointment/ Station Allotment Latest News - 
Haryana JBT Joining News/ Appointment/ Station Allotment Latest News

Latest News (11.08.2017) - Haryana JBT FSL Pending Joining News - 
The good news is that Haryana School Education Board has uploaded the list of selected candidates from FSL Pending List held for JBT appointment.

Haryana JBT FSL Pending Joining News 2017
The Haryana School Education Department has uploaded the list of 763 candidates (RoH Cadre) whom appointments were earlier pending and waiting for the appointment as per combined/ revised merit; now found eligible for Haryana JBT/ PRT Appointment 2017.
The list of candidates 152 candidates (Mewat Cadre) has also uploaded who found eligible for appointment as per combined/ revised merit. The appointments of these candidates were also pending earlier. 
Those candidates who are seeking Haryana JBT FSL Pending Joining List; they can downloading it from direct link given here. 

The name, merit number, roll number, father name, category and allotment station have been mentioned in the selection list of Haryana JBT Joining.
  Downloading Links -

Haryana JBT 1259 Low Merit List Joining News 

Latest news (28.07.2017) - Haryana JBT Low Merit List Joining News - 
Haryana JBT Low Merit List Joining News

Latest News (27.07.2017) - Haryana JBT 1259 Low Merit List Case Latest News - 
Haryana JBT Low merit list news

Next hearing - 28th July 2017 (Friday) 
Latest News (25.07.2017) - Haryana 9870 JBT Joining will be held on today - 
Haryana High Court removed the ban on the appointment of Haryana JBT teacher on today - 

Latest News (19.07.2017) - Haryana JBT waiting candidates news - 
Haryana JBT Waiting candidates news

Next Hearing - 26th July 2017
Latest News (07.07.2017) - 
हरियाणा जेबीटी 1259 लो मेरिट लिस्ट को हटाए जाने का फैसला बरकरार -  
Haryana JBT low merit list news

हरियाणा जेबीटी ताजा खबर - छुट्टियों के बाद कोई उपस्थिति पंजीकृत नहीं हुई
The attendance procedure will be commenced on Monday 10th July 2017 at their respective DEEO Office.
Haryana JBT News

Latest News (24.06.2017) - Great relief to Haryana JBT Low Merit Teachers news - 
Haryana JBT Low Merit Teacher news

Latest News (16.06.2017) - Haryana JBT 1259 Joining News - 
Haryana JBT 1259 joining news

Latest News (13.06.2017) - 
Haryana JBT news

Latest News (12.06.2017) - Haryana JBT 1259 Low Merit List News - 
Haryana jbt 1259 low merit list news

Latest News (10.06.2017) - Haryana JBT Combined Merit List ready to implement - 
Haryana JBT Combined Merit List news

Latest News (09.06.2017) - Haryana JBT joining news for Low Merit List Candidates - 
Haryana jbt 1259 joining news

Latest News (08.06.2017)- Haryana JBT 1259 Joining news - 
Haryana 1259 jbt news

Latest News (07.06.2017) - Haryana 1259 JBT Joining news - 
Haryana 1259 jbt joining news

Latest News (04.06.2017) - Haryana JBT Low Merit List Joining News -
Haryana JBT low merit list news

 On 02.06.2017- Haryana JBT Combined Merit List declared -

On 30.05.2017 - Haryana JBT Combined Merit List news -

Haryana jbt news for combined list

On 24.05.2017 - Haryana JBT Court Case Hearing News - 
The next date for hearing - 26th July 2017

On 22.05.2017 - Haryana JBT Station allotment news - 
Haryana jbt station allotment letter news

Haryana JBT Combined Merit List Joining News

On 18.05.2017 - Haryana JBT Joining combined merit list case latest updates
Haryana JBT joining combined merit list news

On 15.05.2017 - 
It is expected that the issue on which one would the government be joined first JBT Waiting 2011 or HTET-2013 will be clear up to 24th May 2017.

Haryana JBT Hot news

On 14.05.2017 - 
Haryana JBT Combined List News

Haryana JBT Waiting List Joining News

On 08.05.2017: JBT Court hearing on 08th May 2017 - 'A combined list will be released for 2011 and 2013 selected candidates' - High Court

दोस्तों 2011 के वेटिंग लिस्ट के अभ्यार्थियों के लिए बड़ा ही दुखद समाचार है|  आज सुनवाई में माननीय हाई कोर्ट ने नई कंबाइंड लिस्ट जिसमें सभी सिलेक्टेड अभ्यार्थी जो 2011 और 2013 की है  जारी करने को कहा है |
कोर्ट के इस फैसले के बाद 2011 की वेटिंग लिस्ट के अभ्यार्थियों की नौकरी की आस लगभग टूट गई है |
कोर्ट इस फैसले नहीं अंतर अंतर्कलह के आसार कर दिए हैं |
इसके संबंध में अगली सुनवाई 10 मई को रखी गई है | 
On 06.05.2017 - About 80-90% Haryana JBT Teachers got their joining / appointment but still waiting for Teaching - 
However, HSSC has given appointment to the newly selected candidates, but the candidates are still on hold for teaching. Their attendance is registered in DEEO office. Read the news in the below image.
Haryana JBT Joining Waiting List Latest News

Haryana JBT Joining News and Updates

Haryana JBT joining news
On 05.05.2017:  Confusion over who will be joined first HTET 2013 (selected list) or Advt. 2/2012 Waiting List candidates - A brief discussion
The appointment process along with Haryana JBT joining is on the track. A new list of selected candidates is expected to be available in the last week of May 2017 at www.harprathmic.gov.in.
From the news and rumors, it can be assumed that this second recommended list for Haryana JBT joining may be of 2013 HTET candidates. It is looking that the waiting list candidates of Advt. 02/2012 may have more patience for their joining. In case, any recommended candidates for JBT posts may not join their allotted station, they may be asked for the vacant posts after waiting a predefined period of time (set by HSSC).
on 02.05.2017 - 
haryana jbt news

On 28.04.2017: Character Certificate to be required at joining/appointment at DEEO Office by the candidates can be download from the below image.
Haryana JBT Character certificate

On 27.04.2017: Haryana JBT Joining New - Combined Merit List To be released today - 
First of all, congratulations to all Haryana JBT teachers who have been struggling for their appointments/joining for a long time.
List of Finally Selected Candidates - Rest of Haryana
Final Selection List for Mewat Cadre
List of candidates temporary hold (Rest of Haryana) for appointment due to various reasons mentioned against their names in PDF File - Download Here 
Temporary hold List for Mewat Cadre 
List of rejected candidates for Rest of Haryana
List of rejected candidates for Mewat Cadre
Haryana JBT Final Selection List

Final Selection List Status - Released Now
Congratulations to all the selected candidates - 
Specimen of Joining  - Containing the instruction for the joining the list of documents to be required at the time of joining for the posts of JBT Teachers in Haryana Schools.
JBT Teachers appointment orders released by school education board now check/download the orders -
Order regarding issuing appointment letters to newly selected JBT teachers selected vide advertisement no. 2/2012 
(27.04.2017)The latest news is that the combined merit list of selected JBT candidates is likely to be available today (up to 5pm) at Haryana School Education board official website.
It is also heared that the induction schedule for newly selected JBT Teachers has been prepared which will be commenced from 01st May 2017.

Haryana primary teachers joining news - Haryana JBT teacher joining latest news - Haryana Education news

List of Documents required at the time of joining/appointment -
Candidate must bring at least two/three set of attested photo copy along with original documents required at the venue of joining/appointment.
1.    10th, 12th Graduation DMC and certificates
2.    Three-Four Passport size photograph (Coloured)
3.    Photo identify proof (Adhar Card/Driving Licence/Voter Card)
4.    Caste Certificate if applicable
5. HTET certificate
6. Haryana Domicile certificate
7.    Any other relevant document support education or experience of the candidate

However, there are still problems which need to be solved very soon, so, keep patience and stay with us. Read the full news in the given images.
Haryana jbt joining news
On 25.04.2017: Haryana JBT Joining News - 
The good news is that Haryana School Education board has uploaded the station allotment list of 8374 selected candidates for JBT Teachers.
Download Haryana JBT Station Allotment List 
(This list is received from the sources and can be varied from the original. The final allotment list can be downloaded from the official websites whenever available). 
Note - the above provided selection merit list is found to be released at the time of 14th August 2014. The new list which has already been prepared by the government is expected to be available within one or two days.  
Status - Available Now for 8374 Haryana JBT Candidates
According to the sources, the joining process for haryana newly selected jbt teachers is on fire and a final merit list along with station allotment may be available on any of the links given here. The appointment with station allotment list will be available today.
The full news can be read from the image given as -
Haryana JBT Joining

Haryana JBT Joining News (24.04.2017): A press conference will be organized on 24.04.2017 in the evening by the goverment regarding the newly selected JBT teachers.
News from the sources that all the selected teachers will be given joining to the designated station very soon. The final selection list for Haryana JBT Teachers will be available either at www.harprathmic.gov.in (in latest news section) or www.hssc.gov.in (in the notice board).
The candidates are advised to keep visiting us as well as the official website for any latest updates about the uploading of final selection merit list of the candidates.
Download Final Selection List with Station Allotment
Link 2 for Final Merit List 
Link 3 
Haryana jbt joining news

Final Hearing: 20th April 2017 - Stay on joining of newly selected Haryana JBT Removed-
According to the sources, honorable P&H high court has  removed the stay on Joining of JBT teachers in Haryana. Now its time for the joining and it is in the governments hand when will they give joining to these newly selected jbt teachers.
Besides that the verification of thumb impression and signatures have been completed by the selection board.
The final result of thumb impression verification will be uploaded soon. Read full news in the below image.

Congratulations 😊 and best of luck for future-👍

Latest News (08.04.2017): Read the full news given in the below image.
Haryana jbt news

Latest News/Updates (11.03.2017): The newly selected JBT teachers have to wait a little more for their joining (see complete news in images).
Haryana jbt news

Keep in touch with us to get latest information -
Hearing on 15th Feb 2017: The hearing of Haryana JBT joining on this date was held not more than five minutes due to the case was listed in the end. A new date was given for next hearing.
BSNL JTO Admit Card 2017
Hearing of 02nd December 2016: The hearing was held for few minutes and new date has been announced. The next hearing will be held on 15th Feb 2017.
Haryana JBT Joining High Court Result of Hearing held on 15th November 2016: No result was declared by the honorable court. In spite of declaring result of Haryana JBT Joining Issue, the court has announced a new date of hearing.
The next hearing will be held on 02nd December 2016. Earlier the 06th December 2016 was selected as hearing date by the court. But, the date has been revised by the court and 02nd December 2016 was declared as hearing date on issue of Haryana JBT Joining.
Highlight of P & H high Court on Haryana JBT Joining Issue on 29th August 2016: The hearing was conducted for not more that ten minutes and a new date of hearing was given by the honorable high court. Again next hearing on Haryana JBT joining issue will be held on 15th November 2016.

Haryana JBT Teacher Latest News 25.08.2016: 
haryana jbt news

Haryana JBT News Updates on 20.08.2016:
haryana jbt news updates

Punjab and Haryana high court case status for Haryana JBT joining news - Haryana Primary teacher latest news - 9870 jbt joining news - prt joining news - Haryana JBT Teacher joining, jbt joining latest news - Haryana primary teacher joining news - 9870 PRT joining news /JBT teacher joining news in Haryana

Haryana JBT Joining News (01.08.2016): Haryana 12731 JBT Teachers  अपनी जॉइनिंग के लिए  लगातार संघर्ष कर  रहे है |  इन Haryana JBT newly selected शिक्षकों ने पहले भी हाई कोर्ट में एप्लीकेशन डालकर रोक हटाने की गुहार लगाई है | Haryana JBT संघर्ष समिति लगातार प्रयास कर रही है  की इन शिक्षकों को जल्दी से जल्दी Joining  मिल सके |  मुख्यमंत्री मनोहर लाल खट्टर जी से बैठकों का सिलसिला लगातार बना हुआ है और इन JBT Teachers की Joining की समस्या को गंभीरता से लेते हुए समाधान निकालने का निरंतर प्रयास किया जा रहा है |  जल्द ही अगली सुनवाई 29 अगस्त 2016 को पंजाब हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट में होनी है | इस बार की सुनवाई से चयनित जेबीटी को बहुत उम्मीदें हैं की अबकी बार फैसला आर-पार का अवश्य होगा |
Haryana jbt court case
Haryana JBT Joining news (30.07.2016): The next hearing on the issue of joining of Haryana newly selected JBT teachers will be held on 29th August 2016. The list of newly selected candidates for JBT posts has been extended up to 12735 and all these candidates are still waiting for their joining. 
haryana jbt joining
Besides that signature verification, station allotment, final selection merit list process is under preparation and is expected to be finished very shortly by the Haryana Prathmic.

haryana JBT news for joining

Haryana JBT Joining News - Check Daily Latest Updates Here
Latest News on 30.05.2016: The biggest news is that Haryana JBT joining is to be made up to end of this year i.e. probably December 2016.

Haryana JBT joining Court Case 28.05.2016: The latest news is that P& H high court has continued stay on JBT joining on 28th May 2018 hearing. The next hearing of Haryana JBT Joining has been scheduled on 20th July 2016.

Haryana JBT protest news

Haryana JBT Teacher Bharti Protest: The pieceful protest of Haryana JBT Teachers to remind Haryana Government for joining has been continued on 28th May 2016.

haryana JBT joining protest

Haryana JBT Teacher Joining News (25.05.2016): On the 10th day protest of Haryana JBT teacher on the demand for joining, the contender initiated cleanliness Abhiyan at Panchkula.
Haryana JBT joining 10th day

Haryana JBT Teacher joining latest news (16.05.2016): The amran ansan has been started by Haryana Newly selected JBTs on 15th May 2016 at Panchkula, Haryana. The protest has moved to encircle CM's residenceanf faced lathicharge and water canon by police to stop the agitation. Read full news here.

Haryana JBT joining 5th day

Haryana JBT Joining News (12.05.2016): The breaking news is that P&H High Court has imposed stay on Haryana JBT Teacher Joining on 11.05.2016 after hearing the petition on MA Marks (2 marks issue). The case has been registered against and the verification / investigation will be made from the starting again.
Haryana JBT Joining News (11.05.2016): the big news that Haryana JBT Joining process for 3209 candidates is slowly on its a way and final allotment list may be uploaded very shortly on harprathmic.gov.in.

Haryana JBT Final Selection List 2016-17 Appointment Letter for Newly Selected

Earlier 9870 vacancies were made available for JBT posts Haryana Government schools and 9455 candidates got selected for these posts. The final result was announced on 14th August 2015 but verification of thumb impression, MA marks in interview and original documents is under process. Read the full news in the image given below.
Check Latest Recruitment 2016 Teachers Jobs/ Railway Jobs & Other Govt. Sector Jobsnew
CTET 2016 Notificationnew
Haryana TGT 2015 Interview Letter / Interview Schedule new
Haryana PGT 2015 Interview call letters new
HTET PGT (Level 3) 2015 Re-exam Date new
UP TGT/ PGT Result 2015 Latest News new
UP Lekhpal Result 2015 Marks List District wise new
On 16.11.2015: Haryana 9870 JBT / PRT Joining Latest News: The Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court has postponed Haryana JBT / PRT joining of 9870 newly selected teachers and next hearing will be conducted on 28th November 2015. Read the full news in image provided below.
Read Haryana Surplus Guest Teachers 2015 Latest News
Haryana 9870 JBT News
Haryana 9870 JBT Joining News

It is latest news that Haryana Govt. have filled plea for rejoining of Terminated Guest Teachers and hearing in Punjab & Haryana High court will be held very soon. 
Get latest news of Haryana Guest Teachers here  

On 13.10.2015: Haryana JBT Joining News for 9870 newly selected JBT/PRT Teachers. Read full news in the image provided below.
Next Hearing: 20th October 2015

Latest News on 09.10.2015: Haryana JBT joining of newly selected candidates has continually stayed by Punjab & Haryana High Court hearing on 08.10.2015. The next hearing has been scheduled on  12.10.2015 (Tuesday). Read latest information on the image given below.

Haryana JBT Joining News: (Latest News on 07.10.2015): On Hearing in Punjab and Haryana High court, on 07.10.2015, the joining of newly selected JBT/ PRT teachers will be clear to continue by CFSL, Chandigarh. The report related to the newly selected joining of JBT teachers after verification of computer hard disk has been submitted to the court. The merit list prepared in the computer was little altered due to application of wrong formula. It was also request to the court for continuing the joining process of newly selected JBT. The next hearing will be conducted on 09th October 2015. Read the full news given in the image provided below.
Next Hearing on JBT Joining: 09th October 2015

JBT Joining News
JBT Joining News
Haryana JBT/PRT Final Selection List Latest News - Download Haryana PRT New Schedule of Finger Verification Released For Absentee of Mewat, Non-Mewat & Rest of Haryana Region- Newly Selected Haryana PRT Thumb Impression Schedule Released: Read full news in the image provided below.

Haryana JBT News
JBT News on 27.9.15

Haryana 9455 JBT Joining: M. A. Interview Marks Scandal latest updates

Latest News on 24.09.2015: The newly selected JBT candidates will wait a little more for final selection list of JBT Teachers in Haryana. The next hearing will be held on 07th October 2015. Read the full news on the image provided below:

Haryana JBT news
Haryana JBT news
Haryana  newly selected JBT Latest News:
Hearing on Punjab & Haryana High Court: 07th October 2015

Latest News on 16.09.2015:  The Review Petition of Farzi JBT / Teachers Rejected by Punjab & Haryana High Court. This is big news that Punjab & Haryana High court has rejected plea from those jbt/ teacher who had qualified HTET by farzi process (the process in which HTET exam qualified by other person than applied). Earlier Haryana Govt. had conducted verification of thumb impression process of 9000 JBT teachers in which hundreds of candidates had found unmatched. The govt. has identified and planning to punish these farzi jbt / teachers. You can read full detail from the image provided below.

haryana jbt latest news on 16.09.2015
Latest news on 16.09.2015
Latest News 10.08.2015: This is latest news that Haryana Government has successfully completed thumb impression checking of 7000 candidates. As per resources news, the verification will be completed in the end of August 2015 and joining is expected to be started in the first week of September 2015.
Haryana JBT Thumb Impression Checking Status: 
  • Total Candidates - 9455 JBT Newly selected candidates
  • Thumb Impression Checking completed - 7000 candidates
  • Remaining candidates - 2455 candidates
  • Expected date of completion of Thumb Impression checking - In the end of August 2015
  • Expected date of Joining - September 2015  
Haryana JBT Joining News
Haryana JBT Joining News

Latest News on 06.08.2015

This is latest news that Punjab & Haryana high court has given 10 week time period for recruitment of newly selected Haryana 9455 JBT for various government schools in the state. The thumb impression result is likely to be declared in August 2015. The thumb impression of 6000 candidates has been completed and Haryana Government is seeking 2-3 months time period for checking thumb impression of rest of candidates. You can read latest news on the newspaper cutting provided below.

Latest News on 03.08.2015 
Pubjab & Haryana High Court Hearing on 03 August 2015: By considering on the plea on consideration of HTET 2013 candidates for Advt 02/2012 (HTET 2012), Punjab & Haryana High Court asked Haryana Government that how HTET 2013 will be considered for Advt. 02/2012 as the advertisement had eligibility condition of HTET 2012 (or before) qualified could be applied for Haryana 9870 JBT posts.
Read the full News on Haryana JBT Result of Thumb Impression & Signature here

Latest Joining News on 01.08.2015:
Haryana JBT Joining list will be published on 10th August 2015 on official website. The Joining of newly selected Haryana JBT will be done up to 15th August 2015 as per Punjab and Haryana High court instructions.
Read Full News of Haryana 9455 JBT Joining News on 01 August 2015 herenew

Hearing date in Punjab & Haryana High Court on 03 August 2015. 
Total 1362 Number of Candidates have been found unmatched and 111 candidates are under suspicious. 
Read the detailed News of Haryana JBT 2011 Result of Thumb Impression & Signature herenew

Latest Joining News on 28.07.2015:
Punjab and Haryana High Court hearing was held on 28.07.2015 with Haryana Government on the issue of JBT/ PRT Joining /Appointment of 9455 newly selected candidates against 9870 JBT Recruitment Advt. 02/2012. Haryana JBT Joining Latest News is that High Court has asked Haryana Government to submit thumb impression and document verification result with in 10 days after assurance / verification of no discrepancy in report.  The Haryana JBT Joining / appointment process will be started then. 
It is expected to that Haryana 9870 JBT Joining / Appointment list will be declared on 07.08.2015 on official website. The direct link to check Haryana JBT / PRT Joining List is given below.
Check Haryana JBT Joining List/ Appointment List 2015 here

Besides that the hearing of Haryana 1750 JBT Joininig (HTET 2013) in Punjab & Haryana High Court will be held on 03.08.2015. 
Latest Joining News on 21.07.2015.: On Tuesday, Pubjab & Haryana High Court has put stay on recruitment process of 1750 (or approx. 1800) JBT who had qualified HTET 2013 and counted for recruitment process of 9870 JBT/ PRT Advt. No. 02/2012.

Click here to Read full News of High Court Stays on Haryana JBT Joining Latest News 

Latest News on 14.07.2015.: Haryana Staff Selection Commission has declared list of additional candidates on 14.07.2015 for Haryana 9870 JBT/ PRT Recruitment 2015. The HTET 2013 candidates interview result has been declared on official website.

Click here to get Haryana JBT/ PRT Interview Result of Additional HTET 2013 Merit List for Mewat & Non- Mewat Districts.

This is latest news that Haryana Govt will submit plea for the permission of joining / appointment of Haryana JBT / PRT Teachers from High Court on 28th July 2015. 

Get Latest News of Haryana JBT/ PRT Document Verification Result / Final Selection List / Appointment List of Candidates here

Link 2 

Link 3  

Check Also - Latest News on Chandigarh JBT/ NTT Final List 2015 
Haryana Govt. will distribute the appointment letter to the newly selected Haryana JBT / PRT Teachers on 31st July 2015. The protest of newly selected for Joining of Haryana JBT/ PRT Teachers has been stopped due to assurance of CM of Haryana Govt for appointment till 31st July 2015.

Check Haryana JBT / PRT Final Selection list for Mewat District here

Check Haryana JBT / PRT Final Selection list for Non-Mewat District here 
If above link does not work, then click on the link given below.

Link 2

To Get Latest Updates Check: UP 72825 PRT 6th Counseling Latest News
Download HTET Admit Card 2015 here new
Hearing in High Court - 28th July 2015
Appointment of Newly Selected Haryana PRT (JBT) Teachers - 31st July 2015
Delhi Guest Teacher / Contract Teacher Application form 2015-16 new

Declared- UP Police Constable 41610 Final Result Merit List 2015 - Check Now

Haryana JBT Joining News: Download District Wise Selected Candidates List

It is latest updates on the issue of ANSAN conducted by PATRA ADHYAPAK (Newly Selected 9455 Haryana JBT Candidates) is that they are given assurance to get joining on or before 31st July 2015 by the authority of Haryana Govt. (Source: Several Newspaper). These PATRA ADHYAPAK are waiting for Joining / Appointment / Final result of document verification of the candidates. 

This is latest news that Haryana Government is going to declare Thumb Impression and Document Verification Result of newly selected 9455 Primary Teacher (JBT  Teachers) on or after 15th July 2015. It is assumed that the final selection list of Haryana JBT Teachers will be done in the month of after 15th July 2015. 

Earlier Chief Minister Sh. Manohar Lal Khhatar had declared on 23rd March 2015  that the appointment letter of newly selected JBT Teacher (Total 9455 Candidates) will be distributed by 77 working days. So now the thumb impression and document verification of newly selected JBT Teachers are under process and result will be declared on or before 15th July 2015 (expected). 

It is also assumed that the JBT Guest Teachers in Haryana will be relieved after the announcement of final appointment or final selection list of newly selected Haryana JBT Teachers.
Check also Haryana PGT TGT PRT Latest Revised Selection Process

Haryana JBT / PRT Final Selection List Declaration Date - on or before 15th July 2015
Appointment /Joining of Haryana JBT Teacher - On or before 31st July 2015.
Source: Newspaper
HSSC Recruitment 2015 Haryana 1919 TGT Vacancies Available Apply Now new
It is expected that the Joining of Haryana JBT (PRT) will be done in the month of July 2015. The Haryana Government will present the list of joining of newly selected PRT for Final Selection and will seek permission to give appointment to these newly selected candidates. 

About 6000 women are present in the final selection list of Haryana PRT. District wise final selection list of candidates have published in several newspaper in which from 
Sonepat District - 980 Candidates (Top),  
Bhiwani District - 936 Candidates, 
Jhajjar District - 924 Candidates, 
Rohtak District - 860 Candidates, 
Hisar District - 790 Candidates, 
Jind District - 617 Candidates,
 Rewari District - 468 Candidates, 
Kaithal District - 400 Candidates, 
Mahendergarh District - 393 Candidates, 
Karnal District - 286 Candidates, 
Gurgaon District - 282 Candidates, 
Kurukshetra District - 270 Candidates, 
Palwal District - 238 Candidates, 
Panipat District - 232 Candidates, 
Yamuna Nagar District - 201 Candidates, 
Ambala District - 175 Candidates, 
Faridabad District - 127 Candidates, 
Mewat District - 75 Candidates, 
Punchkula  District - 75 Candidates. 
The name of selected candidates will be published in July 2015. The next hearing on Surplus Guest Teacher Issue & newly selected PRT in Hon'ble Court will be held in first week of July 2015. Candidates can check regularly on official website for List of Appointment of Newly Selection Haryana JBT (PRT) new
here. Source: Newspaper. 

Download HTET 2015 Notification Application form Apply online new
Download HTET Admit Card 2015 here new

Appointment of Newly Selected Haryana PRT (JBT) Teachers - July 2015
Latest Updates/ Latest News on 24th May 2015 -  Newly selected Haryana JBT (PRT) Teacher candidates are going to have meeting together at Rohtak on 24th May 2015 (Sunday). They are demanding and also try to pressurize Haryana Government for speeding up the process of Final Selection of Newly Selected Haryana JBT (PRT) Teacher Candidates.

The next hearing of relieving Surplus Haryana Guest Teacher will be held on 27th May 2015 by Honorable Punjab & Haryana High Court.

Latest News / Updates on 13th May 2015 : Haryana JBT PRT Merit List under process - check here
The latest news is  High Court has strictly order to eliminate the service of Surplus 4073 up to their next hearing which is going to be held on 27th May 2015 and JBT PRT Thumb impression schedule is soon to be announced on official website.
Source: Newspaper

Latest News / Updates on 11th May 2015 : Haryana JBT PRT Merit List under process - 

Source: Newspaper

Haryana JBT Joining News: Haryana Guest Teacher Relieved

The latest news is that Pubjab & Haryana High Court had strictly declared to relieve 4073 Guest Teacher till 11th May 2015.

पंजाब औऱ हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने गैस्ट टीचर्स को हटाने के दिये आदेश

पंजाब हरियाणा ने प्रदेश सरकार को हरियाणा के स्कूलों में कार्यरत अतिरिक्त 4073 गेस्ट टीचर्स को 11 मई तक हटाने के सख्त आदेश दिये हैं पंजाब हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने मामले की सुनवाई के दौरान कड़ा रूख इख्तियार करते हुये सरकार को कहा है कि अगर सरकार ने 11 मई तक इन टीचर्स को नही हटाया तो कोर्ट में हरियाणा के मुख्य सचिव को व्यक्तिगत तौर से पेश होना होगा।Source: Newspaper
Haryana JBT/PRT Final Selection List Latest News: The latest news is that HBSE is under working to release the final selection list of Haryana JBT on the official website. Haryana governement is expected to release the Final Merit List very soon for a total of 9870 posts of JBT/ PRT in Mewat and Non-Mewat Region. It is expected that the final list will be released in First week or second week in May 2015.  We will update immediately as it gets released on Official website.  

Earlier HBSE had conducted thumb impression and document verification schedule (total three times) for these provisionally selected candidates through merit number provided to the candidates in recommended list released on the official website. HBSE had also released thumb impression schedule to absentiee candidates. 

It is expected that the result of document verification schedule will be declared on the official website in which the document verification status will be mentioned against name, father name, merit number and address of the candidates. HBSE will mention the reason of rejection of candidature due to certain reason in the thumb impression and document verification result which is expected to be released in the month of June/ July 2015.
Note - The expectation is just predicted or imaginative, not official. The Final decision will be taken by Authority of Haryana. No query in this regard will be entertained. Kindly visit official website for true updates and latest news for which direct link is provided in this post.

Haryana JBT 2012 2013 Thumb Impression Latest News 

Haryana JBT 2011 Thumb Impression Checking Latest News on 30.07.2015: Checking process of Thumb impression & signature of 8275 candidates of Haryana JBT 2011 is under process. The result of 6081 candidates is as follows:

No. of Candidates - Total 8275 candidates
No. of Matched Candidates - 4732 candidates
No. of Not Matched Candidates - 369 candidates
No. of Suspects - 980 candidates
Haryana Board of School Education has released the last and final schedule of Thumb impression and document verification for absentee of all previous thumb impression session on 31st March 2015 on official website to match the originality of the candidates.

 The thumb impression & verification will be done on 09th April 2015 and 10th April 2015 for Merit No. from 02 to 4595 (Non-Mewat Cadre) & 01 to 1170 (Mewat Cadre) and 4615 to 9045 (Non-Mewat Cadre) respectively.

The Thumb impression will be started from 09:00 AM onward at Adhyapak Bhawan, HBSE Board, Bhiwani.  Those candidates who got absent in last schedule which was conducted on 17th, 18th & 19th March 2015, they can attend last / final thumb impression schedule at the venue mentioned above.

Thumb Impression Schedule of Absentee Candidates: Haryana Board of School Education has released new Thumb impression and verification schedule released on 16th March 2015 for all absentee candidates of Mewat, Non-Mewat & all candidates of rest of Haryana from 17th March 2015 to 19th March 2015. 

This will be the last chance, then after no further chance will be given by Haryana Government for Thumb Impression and Document Verification to check the originality of the candidates. No Further Communication Will Be Entertained in This Regard. The Thumb impression will be taken by two committee i.e. Committee 1 & Committee 2. The Schedule is as -

17/3/2015 -  Merit No. 2 to 2397 & 1 to 1170 (Mewat Cadre) - Rest of Haryana + All Absentee Candidates of Mewat Cadre - Committee No.1 & 2
18/3/2015 -  Merit No. 2430 to 6100 - Rest of Haryana - Committee No.1 & 2
17/3/2015 -  Merit No. 6111 to 9048 - All Absentee Candidates of Rest of Haryana- Committee No.1 & 2

Haryana Board of School Education had completed Thumb impression and verification schedule of Non-Mewat Cadre on 04th March 2015 (Up to 9000 Rank number/ Merit No.) based on the Recommended Selection Merit list of candidates which was released on 15th January 2015. 

The latest news is that in this process of thumb impression and verification schedule Absenteeism of candidates is expected to be around 500-550 candidates and it is predicted that the candidates who was in waiting list will be considered for getting appointment on the posts released for Haryana JBT. 

The thumb verification and verification schedule of left candidates Non-Mewat Cadre and Mewat Cadre will be conducted from 09th March 2015 to 17th March 2015. The result of Thumb impression and verification will be released after 17th March 2015 on the official website www.harprathmic.gov.in.  

Haryana JBT Mewat Cadre Thumb Impression and Verification schedule  Latest updates- These candidates are advised to be on the schedule date and time as mentioned against the recommended selection merit list i.e. at 9:00 AM at sharp at Adhyapak Bhawan, Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani. 

It is recommended that candidates must bring HTET certificate and two original photo identity proof (Adhar Card, Voter Card, PAN Card), three coloured passport size photographs and verification form. These candidates are required to fill verification form which is already released on the official website. At the venue of verification, it will be instructed to the candidates about how to fill verification form carefully. Candidates must note that NO CUTTING WILL BE ALLOWED IN THUMB IMPRESSION VERIFICATION FORM.
Candidates are required to fill verification form at the time of verification only. No form will be permitted already filled at the venue of Thumb impression. The candidates will be confer to the verification committee and viva-vice will be done (say verification of name, father/ husband name, permanent address, 10th marks, 12th Marks, year of passing etc.) at the time of thumb verification session. 

Candidates are required to make 6-9 signature and thumb impression of both thumbs. A photo will be clicked at the time of thumb verification session. 

It is advised to the candidates to verify their documents and revise their marks and year mentioned at the time of thumb impression verification.  

Haryana PRT/ JBT Final result - It is expected that the result will be announced in the end of month March 2015 and in the first week of April 2015. 
New Schedule of Finger Print Verification of JBT Thumb Impression Verification Schedule of PRT for Mewat & Non-Mewat Region Newly Selected Candidates Finger Print Verification Schedule Released Check Thumb Impression Verification Schedule for Newly Selected JBT in Haryana- Haryana JBT Latest Updates: The latest news is that thousands of candidates have been verified for thumb impression along with signature and document verification especially HTET Certificate (Original) of the candidates. A total of 200 candidates are scheduled for verification of originality of the candidates by Committee 1 and Committee 2. 

From resources, it is in news that many candidates have got absent during this verification schedule. It is advised to the candidates to bring their original documents along with 2-3 passport size photograph or any other relevant document which shows the originality of the candidate. This is great golden chance to original / deserving candidates to get government job/ teaching job in Haryana. 

So candidates are suggested to do their level best during the finger print verification process to check the originality of the candidates in front of the committee 1 or committee 2. Don't leave a single chance to grab these jobs. SSCEXAMTRICKS.COM wishes you all the best for your finger print verification schedule. Those candidates who had attended this verification schedule are required to wait till the end of the verification i.e. 17th March 2014. 

Then the Final Result of Haryana JBT Recruitment of the short listed candidates based on the measurement/ analysis of finger print verification schedule will be announced very soon. Final List of selected will be released on the official website of Haryana JBT. These candidates will be provided station for joining duty/ appointment letter for the job along with joining date/ reporting date to join as JBT teacher in Government Schools. 

The station of Joining will be provided based on the choices filled by the candidates during filling of application form. Earlier Haryana School Education Selection Board (HSESB) has released the latest schedule of Finger Print Verification / Thumb Impression Verification of newly selected candidates for the posts of JBT (PRT) for various government schools in Haryana. 

These newly selected candidates have to reach at venue Adhyapk Bhawan situated in Board of School Education, Bhiwani on the date mentioned against Merit Number.

The list contains the merit list for Mewat Region and Non-Mewat Region. The list of newly selected candidates of Merit No. 3001 – 9048 of Non-Mewat Region will have to reach for finger print verification of the candidate between 19th January 2015 to 09th March 2015 and Merit No. 1-1170 of Mewat Region will have to reach for Finger Verification of the candidate between 09th March to 17th March 2015.

·         Name of the posts – Junior Basic Teacher (JBT)
·         No. of Posts - Total 9870
·         For Category 1 (Non-Mewat Region) – 8763 Posts
·         For Category 2 (Mewat Region) – 1107 Posts
·         Selection Process – Merit based on academic Performance and Interview
·         Result Status – Released
·         Process – Overall verification of candidate (Finger print, Signature & photograph)
·         Schedule of Verification –
·         For Non-Mewat Region - 19th January 2015 to 9th March 2015
·         For Mewat Region -09th March to 17th March 2015
Click here to download New Schedule of Finger Print / Thumb Impression Schedule for Newly Selected JBT/PRT

These candidates carry photo identity of the candidate such as Voter Card, Adhar Card etc., signature identity such as PAN Card, HTET Certificate and two passport size photographs for the process of thumb impression verification conducted by HSESB.
Earlier HSTSB recommended Merit List of Junior Basic Teacher (JBT) for Mewat & Non-Mewat Region on the official website of Haryana Prathmic Education.
This is in the news that the process of Overall verification of candidate from the selected list of candidates is continuing from 29th December 2014- 16th January 2015 for Merit Number 1-3000 by committee 1 & 2.

These candidates are called for physical verification of Finger Print Verification/ Overall verification of Finger print, Signature matching & photograph matching with candidate (Candidate identity).
·         Name of the posts – Junior Basic Teacher (JBT)
·         No. of Posts - Total 9870
·         For Category 1 (Non-Mewat Region) – 8763 Posts
·         For Category 2 (Mewat Region) – 1107 Posts
·         Selection Process – Merit based on academic Performance and Interview
·         Result Status – Released
·         Process – Overall verification of candidate (Finger print, Signature & photograph)
·         Schedule of Verification – 29th December 2014 to 16th January 2015
·         List of Recommended candidates status-  Released
·         Official Website - http://harprathmik.gov.in/
HSESB has released latest recommended list of Junior Basic Teacher (JBT) for Mewat and Non-Mewat Region. This list is prepared for merit based on the academic performance of the candidates.

The list is released Category Wise along with merit number, name of candidate, Father’s name, Date of Birth, Permanent Address.
A total of 9848 candidates are recommended for the post of JBT for Non-Mewat Region and a total of 1170 JBT for Mewat Region.

Haryana JBT Primary Teachers Joining News - Advt. 02/2012 Interview Result Final Selection List

HSESB had released notification advertisement 02/2012 for the posts of JBT in category 1 & 2. Application were invited for the posts of 8763 PRT in Non-Mewat region in category 1 and 1107 PRT (JBT) in Non-Mewat region in category 2. A huge number of candidates had applied for the posts.

Interview was conducted and a merit list was prepared based on the performance in academic and Interview. The academic performance was measured out of 67 Marks and Interview was measured out of 33 marks.

Finally the result released but unfortunately the process got stopped due several government reasons.
Now overall verification is continue and HSESB has recommended Merit Wise list of JBT candidates along with merit number.
Click here to download schedule of Verification of Candidates (Finger Prints) for PRT Posts
List of Documents required during verification
Candidate must bring at least one set of photo copy attested along with original document required for document verification before the commencement of interview. A candidate must have following set of original document for verification in interview-
1.    Printout of computer generated application form provided by HSESB
2.    HTET Certificate
3.    Photo identify proof (Adhar Card/Driving Licence/Voter Card)
4.    Caste Certificate if applicable
5.    Any other relevant document support education or experience of the candidate
Click here to download recommended application form required at the time of verification.
Note- If any candidate fails to attend verification schedule on time, his/her candidature will be cancelled.
Venue of Verification:
Adhyapak Bhawan
Haryana Board of School Education,
Bhiwani, Haryana

Direct Links to download Important Documents/ Advertisement/Notice: Those candidates who had applied for the posts and waiting for merit list for Primary teachers (JBT) in Haryana, they can download recommended list of candidates for Mewat and Non-Mewat Region.
Click here to download the complete Advertisement of JBT Recruitment 2012
Click here to download Recommended Merit List of PRT (JBT) 2015 Mewat District
Click here to download Recommended Merit List of PRT (JBT) 2015 Non-Mewat District

Process to check Haryana JBT Joining news and download Appointment / Joining Letter / Selection List

·         Click on the direct link provided in the end of the posts.
·         Download the list of Recommended Merit list (Selection List) for JBT/PRT in PDF.
·         Click on Menu>>Edit>>Find
·         Type Name of candidate and press Enter.
·         Verify your name, father name, Date of Birth, Address and Category.